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Several members of the English department presented papers at the South-Central Conference on Christianity and Literature, hosted in the French Quarter of New Orleans last month. Melanie Springer Mock presented “Sin and Redemption in Contemporary Women’s Narratives;” Kathy Heininge presented “Blasphemy Against Nature: Jane Eyre Is No Angel”; Abby Rine presented “Revisionist Readings of a Sacred Story: Luce Irigaray and ‘Sin in the Feminine’”; and Gary Tandy presented “C.S. Lewis’s Style in Mere Christianity.” In addition, Ed Higgins read original poetry. Also on the trip, Melanie and Abby ran a full marathon and half marathon, respectively.

Sarah Gibson (Cinema and Media Communication) presented a paper, “Who is That Masked Man: Should Anonymous Posters to Newspaper Websites Be Unmasked?,” at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference in San Antonio March 3-5. She was the lead author of the piece. Her coauthor was Brad Reid, professor of business law and the managing director of the Dean Institute for Corporate Governance and Integrity at Lipscomb University.

The Northwest Horn Orchestra, an ensemble of professional French horn players, will premiere Brent Weaver’s (Performing Arts) The Lion Sings for 16 horns and percussion this Friday, March 11, at 8 p.m. at The Old Church in Portland. Commissioned by the NWHO, the piece is based on C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew. More information is available at nwhornorchestra.org.

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