Do you want to go to The Justice Conference?

The Justice Conference is scheduled in Bend, Ore., Feb. 11-12, and will feature 12 speakers (including Shane Claiborne and Chris Lahr) and the support of 50 organizations, including George Fox’s Center for Peace and Justice. Also featured will be hundreds of book titles, all about the biblical nature of justice (see event website at

World Relief is co-sponsoring this event, which will provide a great opportunity to make connections with the various people and organizations attending. It will also provide a great venue for fruitful discussions and valuable learning about justice.

Several members of our staff and faculty are already planning to attend as well as a few students. The Center for Peace and Justice is willing to provide transportation and hopefully lodging for anyone interested in attending. Right now, until the end of the month, there is a ticket special of $49. For tickets, visit this link.

Pass this information onto interested persons! It will make for an awesome weekend.

Important: We are seeking connections to a church or a venue in Bend that we could stay at Friday night. Please let Melanie Newell know if you can be of assistance.

Contact Melanie ( or ext. 2686) if you wish to learn more or are interested in attending.

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