About Our People

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “Cannon Beach,” in the December 2010 issue of Halfway Down the Stairs, a Michigan-based quarterly online literary magazine. He also had three pieces published in the spring 2010 issue of Paper Wasp, an Australian haiku journal, and his poem “We Two” appeared in the most recent volume of Earthshine: A Poetry Journal.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) published in December a review of the National Geographic Channel’s “Jesus the Man” on The Bible and Interpretation website.

Jim Steele (Business) has become certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). The certification, awarded by the HR Certification Institute, signifies that the holder possesses the theoretical knowledge and practical experience in human resource management necessary to pass a rigorous examination demonstrating a mastery of the field. Steele has also held the Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) certification since 2005.

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