Employee Reimbursment Changes for 2011

It is university policy to reimburse employee travel at the allowable IRS rate which fluctuates from time to time.  The IRS rate is increasing to $.51/mile from $.50/mile effective January 1, 2011.  All mileage reimbursements are to be charged to account 52004.  Any mileage reimbursements for 2010 will be paid at the $.50 rate.  This change is also reflected in the online Trip Calculator which helps you determine whether renting or driving your own car is the best choice.

Effective Jan. 1, 2011, the EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT form found in Common Forms has been updated.  Employees are encouraged to download the updated forms and read the instructions rather than continue to use older versions downloaded in the past.

Other changes include:
•       A widened field for account and cost center coding
•       Page 2 option with totals linked to page 1
•       Trip Calculator has been updated

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