About Our People

Rick Muthiah (Student Life) was a co-presenter of a session, “Uncovering the Heart in Higher Education,” at the Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD) National Conference in St. Louis in November. The session included experiential activities to explore faculty members’ ability to express their worldviews within their workplace.

Reid Kisling (Registrar) presented a session at the 20th annual American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers’ Strategic Enrollment Management Conference in Nashville in early November. The title of his presentation was “Does Higher Ed Need a New Advising Framework?” Reid also led several other sessions at the conference and continues to serve as a senior consultant with AACRAO consulting.

Kathi Gatlin and Melissa Thomas (Registrar) presented a session, “Do You Have an Advising Philosophy: How We Developed One,” at the 2010 annual conference of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Counselors (PACRAO) in Calgary, Alberta, in early November.

Kent Yinger’s (Seminary) book, The New Perspective on Paul: An Introduction, has just been published by Wipf & Stock.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) delivered three papers in Atlanta recently, in conjunction with the national Society of Biblical Literature meetings. “The Community that Raymond Brown Left Behind – Reflections on the Dialectical Johannine Situation” was delivered at a symposium on the Epistles of John at the McAffee School of Theology; “Johannine Contributions to Later Trinitarian Discussions in the Early Church” was delivered in the Development of Early Trinitarian Theology Consultation of SBL; and “The Dialogical Autonomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Theologically Engaged Jesus Tradition and Implications for Jesus Research” was delivered at a joint session of the John, Jesus, and History Group and the Historical Jesus Section of SBL. Paul completed his six years as co-chair of the John, Jesus, and History Group, which over that period has featured 117 papers from scholars around the world and has been one of the two or three best attended among the 160 sections and groups at SBL.

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