Please assist HR by reporting race/ethnicity information in MyGFU

As you may be aware, George Fox asks new faculty and staff to voluntarily answer questions about their race and ethnicity. This helps us when we report information in aggregate (it is never reported for individuals) about our employees.

Recently, the U.S. Department of Education implemented new race and ethnicity categories that require responses to two questions rather than one. This allows for better reporting given the changing makeup of our nation’s population. You might recognize these questions from the 2010 U. S. Census form.

We would appreciate it if all employees responded to the new questions to enable us to better comply with the new reporting requirements (on IPEDS and other reports).

To do so:

1. Login to MyGFU.

2. Navigate to Self Service > Campus Personal Information > Ethnicity. (The message in the screen mentions “students,” but it is applicable to employees as well.)

3. If you indicated racial/ethnic information to George Fox in the past, it will be shown. Respond to the questions, and check the “The information is correct as entered” box.

4. Click Submit.

Again, reporting your race and ethnicity is voluntary, but it is very helpful to us as we assess our programs and serve our diverse world.

For more information, visit this link.

Thank you,

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