Last call for Employee of the Year nominations

Nominations for Support Staff Member of the Year and Administrative Staff Member of the Year for 2009 are due in HR on Monday, March 22.

If you have any colleagues you believe are deserving of this award, please take a few minutes to submit a nomination by describing each person’s unique, “above and beyond” contributions to George Fox, its students, and/or its employees in the past year. Indicate what was done, who was impacted, and how this impact was and can be observed. In other words, what makes this person stand out?

Other questions to also consider: How has this person encouraged or helped you, other employees, or students in the past year? What is it about this person’s job performance that impresses you? How has this person demonstrated Christian commitment, loyalty to George Fox, and leadership skills at the university and the broader community in the past year?

Nominations can be submitted via e-mail (, fax or hard copy, but they must arrive in HR by 5 p.m. on Monday.

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