University’s Trauma Response Institute launches humanitarian aid program

The Trauma Response Institute, coordinated by the Graduate Department of Counseling, is launching a program to assist humanitarian aid workers.

The focus of upcoming meetings is in support of Haitian missionaries and earthquake relief workers. Meetings are scheduled from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on March 2, April 6 and May 4 at the Portland Center. There is no cost to attend.

The purpose is to offer simple tools to help prepare for or mitigate the emotional impact of witnessing severe human suffering. If a Haiti responder flier finds its way into your mailbox, please consider giving it to your pastor, missions chairperson, or friend connected to service in Haiti. Also, for George Fox employees interested in joining a TRI responder peer support team, stay tuned for information about a training in psychological first-aid for peer responders.

You can learn more about the humanitarian aid program at

Thanks for sharing the flyers!

Anna Berardi
Director, Trauma Response Institute

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