Comings and Goings

WebberMichelleMichelle Webber joined the Tilikum staff as office manager earlier this month. For the past eight years, she worked as a computer and graphics consultant for Webber Consulting in Canby, a company that provides information technology services to businesses and home users throughout the Pacific Northwest. Before that, she was an administrative assistant for the National Association of Reunion Managers for three years. She’s also been active in her community as a member of the Canby Area Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. Michelle lives in Canby with her teenage children, Brittnee and Morgan. They attend Canby Christian Church.

Megan Marsh (Student Life) is leaving George Fox at the end of the month. She is completing the university’s Master of Arts in Teaching program and will work this spring as a full-time student teacher at Glencoe High School in Hillsboro. Upon graduation in the spring, she and her husband plan to move to Southern California.

Rhonda Bonham (Graduate Admissions) has left the university to stay home with her infant son Gabriel. She had served as an admissions counselor in the School of Education for five years.

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