Author Feinberg visits seminary for seminar on Nov. 18

Author Margaret Feinberg, named by Charisma magazine as one of the “30 emerging voices who will help lead the church in the next decade,” will speak at George Fox Evangelical Seminary from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Nov. 18, at the Portland Center.

Feinberg’s presentation, “The Church’s Missional Witness in a Millennial Age,” is the latest installment of the seminary’s Ministry in Contemporary Culture Seminar series. The session will address how the church interacts with culture and offer insight into how Christians can reach the next generation.

The event also will include a panel discussion featuring six panelists of local church leaders who will give their perspectives and insights on the topic at hand. Feinberg also will present a second session, titled “Backstage Pass: A Toolbox of Ideas for Reaching the Next Generation.”

Feinberg has written more than two dozen books and Bible studies, including The Organic God, The Sacred Echo, Scouting the Divine and their corresponding DVD Bible studies.

The seminar will meet in Room 155 of the Portland Center. Admission is $20 for university students, employees and alumni. An optional deli lunch will be available on site for $10. Online registration is available at For more information, contact Jean Oehm Borgman (Seminary) at

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