About Our People

In June, Kathy Heininge (Writing/Literature) presented her paper, “Ulysses for a Modern-Day Dublin?: John Carney’s Once,” at the international meeting for the American Conference for Irish Studies at National University of Ireland in Galway. Her book, Buffoonery in Irish Drama, is now out with the type on the cover corrected.

Angela Doty (Career Services) was honored earlier this month when the Oregon Career Development Association, of which she is president, received the Outstanding State Division Award for the Western Region at the National Career Development Association Global Conference in St. Louis. The award is presented to state chapters of NCDA for exemplary programming for career development professionals. OCDA (www.ocda.info) is committed to promoting the quality of career development in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) organized and hosted two national religious conferences in June: the Spiritual Discernment As Christian Leadership Conference, held at George Fox University, and the Quaker Theological Discussion Group, held at Olney Friends School in Barnesville, Ohio. Paul presented a plenary address, “Dynamics of Discernment—Biblical and Practical,” and a workshop with Peter Bouteneff, “Voting Not to Vote: The Story of the WCC’s Path to Discernment,” at the discernment conference and “An Apology for Authentic Spirituality” at the QTDG conference. Paul also presented a workshop with Hugh Barbour, “Celebrating 50 Years of QRT and QTDG — Doing Theology Among Friends,” at the Friends Association of Higher Education meetings held at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C., in June.

The June issue of Quaker Religious Thought focuses on “A Quaker Theology of Education” and features essays by Jamie Johnson, “From Cutting Edge to Chopping Block: Reclaiming a Quaker Approach to Christian Higher Education,” and by Anderson, “The Mission of the Christ-Centered Quaker College.” Copies will be available from Phil Smith (Religious Studies) and in the bookstore.

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