About Our People

Dee Small (Seminary) was named the university’s Support Staff Person of the Year, while Sheila Abercrombie (IT) was chosen Administrator of the Year. The awards were announced at the university’s end-of-semester awards ceremony on May 4.

Rodger Bufford and Nancy Thurston (Graduate Psychology) joined George Fox PsyD students in presenting posters at the Western Psychological Association’s annual meeting in Portland April 25-26. Both professors presented “Are shame and depression related? Understanding their dynamics” and “Evaluating the relationship between empathy and shame.” Rodger also presented “Supervision and the APA ethical code: Remediating an oversight.” He also participated in the American Psychological Association Committee on Accreditation’s site visitor training workshop in Portland.

In addition, Rodger and Mary Peterson (Graduate Psychology) presented “The role of spiritual/religious practices in moderating stress among adolescent residential treatment staff” at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies in Orlando, Fla., April 2-4.

Paul Otto (History) presented a brown-bag talk, “It is the manner amongst us Indians: Wampum and the Origins of Frontier Diplomacy,” at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, Calif., April 28.

Ed Higgins (Writing/Literature) published two poems, “on bad days” and “open window,” in the May 2009 edition of Danse Macabre, a Nevada Arts Council-winning online literary journal.

Dave Covington (Graduate Admissions/Boise Center) received the Dean’s Award for graduating at the top of his class at Corban College, where he earned an MBA on May 2.

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