Be sure to reset your password before April 13

Your password has been set to expire at 9 a.m. on April 13 as part of the annual password reset for all university students, faculty and staff. Please login to Bruindata to change your password.

All accounts with passwords that remain unchanged will be locked on Monday, April 13, at 9 a.m., preventing you from using university services. Once this occurs, you will need to contact the IT Service Desk to get your password reset.

Based on the recommendations of our auditing firm and following best practices, we will be changing George Fox login at regular intervals. For details, please refer to the password change policy on the IT website. We need to complete a campus password reset prior to the end of the spring semester.

Password Self-Service Feature
Once you have reset your password, you will be presented with the option to set “security questions” for your account. If you choose not to enter answers at this time, you can later create a self-service password reset option by logging into Bruindata, selecting the “My Data” tab and then “Security Questions.” You will need to answer two security questions from the drop-down list and provide a non-GFU e-mail address to activate this option. If you forgot your password, a temporary password will be sent to your non-GFU e-mail allowing you to log into Bruindata and change your university login password.

Note: See this same message was sent to your university e-mail account regarding the password change process. You are not being asked to send your login information to anyone but rather using the current university password change process that allows the individual to reset their own password.

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