Pay statements available online; new benefits deductions go into effect

For the second month, employees will see their pay statements by accessing them online instead of receiving them in campus mail.

Go to to get to the PeopleSoft login screen. Use the same user ID and password that you use to log in to e-mail and Bruindata. Open “Self Service” in the menu on the left and click on “Payroll and Compensation.” You will see a list of all of your pay statements that have been processed in PeopleSoft (beginning with our first payroll on Oct. 31) with some basic information included in each of the columns. Click on the pay date in the far left column labeled “Check Date” to open your statement as a PDF file.

Also on this pay day, new premium amounts for medical and dental insurance go into effect, as well as any deduction changes as a result of any changes you made during open enrollment. If you changed to cash in lieu, that will also go into effect. You won’t see deductions for flexible spending accounts or optional life insurance until the April 30 pay day.

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