Tilikum 10K event raises money for kids to attend summer camp

Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries will host its seventh annual run/walk event to raise funds to get under-resourced children and youth to summer camp. The event is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, April 18, at Champoeg State Park.

Participants raise donations per kilometer that they run or walk, with a minimum donation of $35 required to participate in the event. For children 12 and younger, a $5 minimum is required. Participants will receive a T-shirt and prizes will be awarded. This year, there will be special prizes for teams. Gather people from your department, your floor, or any group.

If you are interested in competing as a team of five or more, please call Tilikum at 503-538-2763. Check out 10K information at camptilikum.org.

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