Full-time MBA program launches on Newberg campus this fall

Jeff VandenHoek (School of Management) will give leadership to the newest School of Management graduate program — a full-time MBA program that will launch on the Newberg campus this August. It will be a highly integrative, intense, intentional, cohort-based, 11-month program. We welcome referrals. Contact VandenHoek at jvandenh@georgefox.edu for more information, or visit the MBA page on the university’s website.

Due to a reallocation of resources to the full-time MBA and the accreditation process, we will faze out the Executive Track MBA program with its current cohorts when they graduate in 2010. Twenty-two executives have graduated, and 24 are currently in the Executive Track MBA program. To hear Dean Ken Armstrong’s announcement about the changes, visit the university’s iTunes U site. Scroll to “Campus Spotlight” and click on “School of Management.”

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