Employee pay policy during campus closures

When there is an emergency campus closure, usually due to inclement weather as was the case earlier this week (and may occur again before winter is over), the university’s policy indicates the following in the Employee Handbook, Section 7.1 Emergency Closure:

  • If the university is closed, employees are paid as if they worked.
  • If the university has a late opening and/or early closure, employees who work are paid for a full work day.
  • If employees cannot make it in, their absence is covered by the use of vacation or is unpaid if vacation is not available.
  • Employees who are required to work to assist with facilities and safety issues as a result of the weather (primarily Plant Services employees) will be given time off within the following 30 days equal to the time they worked during the closure.

In addition, employees who happen to be on vacation or using sick leave the day of a closure should record those days/hours as vacation or sick leave the same as they would had the campus been open.

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