IT warning about e-mail solicitation of personal information

The university’s IT department never asks for you to supply personal information in an e-mail. There are numerous e-mail messages currently being used to try and deceive people into divulging personal information to unknown recipients. The e-mails try to pass themselves off as official and are sent to .edu and .org e-mail addresses. Do not respond to these e-mails. The senders of the messages are identity thieves.

Here is a sample of one such message:


This mail is to inform all our {EDU WEBMAIL} users that we will be upgrading our site in a couple of days from now. So you as a subscriber of our site you are required to send us your mail account details so as to enable us know if you are still making use of your mail box.

Further informed that we will be deleting all mail account that is not functioning so as to create more space for new user. so you are to send us your mail account details which are as follows:

*User name:

Failure to do this will immediately render your email address deactivated from our database. Your response should be send to the following e-mail address.

Your Admin Manager: edu.sub.2008@live.vvv

Yours In Service,

Mrs. Kaushik Mohan

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