About Our People

Kenn Willson (Performing Arts) performed a concert and taught master classes at the Accademia Pianistica della Marche in Recanati, Italy, on Oct. 24-25. He performed his “Encounters with Beethoven” concert and taught six students from the piano academy in master classes. He was hosted by Gianluca Luisi and the piano academy. Luisi, who visited George Fox in 2007, plans a return trip to the university Feb. 15, 2009, to hold master classes with George Fox piano students and perform a recital.

Ed Higgins’ (Writing/Literature) poem “Epistemology” was published in the December issue of Friends Journal (Vol. 54, #12, p. 10). The poem was published previously in 2007 issues of Poets Against War and George Fox Journal.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) essay, “From One Dialogue to Another — Johannine Polyvalence from Origins to Receptions,” was published in Anatomies of Narrative Criticism; The Past, Present, and Future of the Fourth Gospel as Literature last fall. Paul also wrote an essay, “Honest to John!,” that responded to four major reviews of his book The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus in the October issue of The Journal for Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, and his report, “John and Qumran,” was published in the fall issue of HENOCH: Studies in Judaism and Christianity from Second Temple to Late Antiquity. Paul also contributed a new foreword to Jesus: What Manner of Man, by Henry J. Cadbury, reprinted by Wipf & Stock in the fall. Finally, Paul represented his class as a distinguished alumnus of Malone College for its homecoming in October.

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