About Our People

Lori DeKruyf and Keith Dempsey (Counseling) presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2008 Conference in Palm Springs, Calif., Nov. 6-9. Keith co-presented “Multicultural and Advocacy Dimensions Model” with Manivong Ratts of Seattle University. Lori’s presentation was titled “Screening Potential School Counseling Field Placements: Practical Tools for Structuring and Evaluating Visits, and Connecting with and Equipping Site Supervisors.”

Sylvette Norre (French) was quoted in an article on continuous learning and professional development for foreign language faculty in a recent issue of The Language Educator, a journal of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Language. Sylvette makes reference to the Cavilam program in Vichy, France, which focuses on working with the common European language assessment tools.

Tim Rahschulte and Craig Johnson (Management) attended the International Leadership Association Conference in Los Angeles Nov. 12-15. Craig presented “Trust and the Practice of Ethical Leadership,” and Tim presented “Facilitating Leadership: A Discussion on Effective Educational Tools and Tactics that Develop 21st Century Leaders.”

Paul Otto (History) has been named to the editorial board of the new Journal of Early American History, published by Brill Academic Publishers.

Kerry Irish recently published an article entitled “Cross-Cultural Leadership: Dwight D. Eisenhower,” which appeared in a new edited work, The Art of Command: Military Leadership from George Washington to Colin Powell.

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