Portland Center news

Many of you have been asking, so we wanted to let you know that the reception desk in the first floor atrium is for our receptionist, Barbara Lybarger. We are moving her workspace into that area to greet visitors and students with a friendly hello and ability to direct folks to where they need to go. The other purpose is to help with building security as Barbara will be able to see all three entrances into the building.

We are also working on maximizing space at the Portland Center to include more areas for students to use as study areas and break-out areas. This will be a slow process, but we are definitely prioritizing it as a need for you. We are hoping to add more furniture pieces as well as updating the look.

We are also working toward getting a coffeehouse put in upstairs in the student lounge area. We are still working on finding the funding for the project. We hope to be able to have it in by the end of fall semester at the latest. We will continue to offer evening meals from Bon Appetit Monday through Thursday.

We trust that you are off to a great semester!

Questions or comments can be emailed to Janis Sanford, Site Supervisor

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