About Our People

Greg Smith (IT) was elected to a two-year term as a member at large on the executive committee of the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (nwacc.org). Greg begins his term in June. The NWACC, with members from most of the colleges and universities in the Northwest, fosters communication and collaboration among its member institutions on the development and use of advanced technology for instruction, research, and administrative operations.

Reid Kisling (Registrar) completed a year as president of the Oregon Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers by presiding over the association’s annual meeting in Klamath Falls, Ore., in May. He now assumes the role of past president for the association until next May. Reid also had an article, “My Staff Are Competent, Right?,” published in the February edition of the AACRAO strategic enrollment management trade journal, SEM Source. The article addressed the creation of a competency-based system for the evaluation, development, and promotion of enrollment services staff, specifically addressing character as an essential component often missing from other systems.

Dave Johnstone (Student Life) received the Ruth E. Bamford Award for Distinguished Service at the annual Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) conference at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio, June 2-5. The award, given to a professional in the field of student affairs with fewer than 15 years of experience, is based upon outstanding contributions to ACSD and to the field of student development.

Ed Higgins (Writing/Literature) had a poem, “she said,” published in May on the online e-zine Best Poem: A Poetry Journal. Another of his poems, “Bottoms up,” was published in the June issue of the e-zine NthPosition.

Becky Ankeny (Academic Affairs) will go on sabbatical in the coming school year to complete her executive MBA and work with Northwest Yearly Meeting as an elder and recorded minister.

Lindsay Peterson and Travis Morgan (Admissions) presented at the annual North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals conference at Gordon College June 3. The title of their presentation was “Defeating the Curse of Knowledge: Crafting Messages that Stick in the Minds of Students.”

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