About Our People

The Earhart Foundation is awarding Paul Otto (History) a fellowship research grant totaling more than $12,000 for a summer project, “Beads of Power: Wampum and the Shaping of the Early American Frontier.” The funds will support summer reading and research as Paul prepares for his sabbatical next year. The topic stems from his original research published as The Dutch-Munsee Encounter in America: The Struggle of Sovereignty in the Hudson Valley (Berghahn, 2006).

Gary Railsback, Ginny Birky, and Kevin Carr (Education) each presented papers at the American Educational Research Association’s 2008 conference in New York City March 23-27. Gary’s presentation was entitled “Faculty Religious Convictions and Spirituality at Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) Campuses.” Ginny’s was entitled “High School Reform: Stories that Inspire Educators to Embrace, Promote, and Initiate Change.” And Kevin’s was “Scaffolding Teacher Understanding of Action Research: Conflicting Discourses.” In addition to presenting papers, Gary was installed to a two-year term as the president/chair of the AERA Special Interest Group Associates for Research on Private Education.

Doug Campbell’s (Visual Arts) painting Jaydon and Dave was included in Digital Dimensions, an exhibit showcased at the Blackfish Gallery and Gallery 114 in Portland and at the Visual Arts Gallery at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham March 5 through April 4.

Ed Higgins’ (Writing/Literature) poem “Outside” is published in the current issue of the online literary magazine qarrtsiluni. The publication also published an audio file of Ed reading the poem that can be downloaded as an mp3 file.

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