About Our People

Marc Shelton, Ginny Birky, and Scot Headley (Education) wrote a chapter on teacher leadership for the book Improving Schools: Studies in Leadership and Culture, published in March by Information Age Publishing. The chapter was part of a publication writing workshop grant from the university’s Faculty Development Committee, and a draft was presented at the American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting in April 2007.

Lori DeKruyf (Counseling) gave two presentations at the American Counseling Association’s 2008 conference in Honolulu March 26-31. Her presentations were entitled “Social Justice Advocacy and Professional School Counselors: The ACA Advocacy Competencies as a Framework for Action” and “Identified Training Needs for School Counseling Site Supervisors.”

Ed Higgins (Writing/Literature) had a poem, “Tohono O’odham: The Desert People,” published in the spring issue of the Norwegian-based literary e-zine Babel Fruit.

Bruce Strom (School of Professional Studies) wrote columns, “Small Business Development in Tough Economic Times,” and “Small Business Marketing,” for March and April issues of the Idaho Press-Tribune. He also wrote a column, “Small Business Development in an Economic Downturn,” for the April issue of the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce Small Business Success Center News.

Linda Sartwell and Steve Edwards (Mail Services) successfully completed the Mailpiece Quality Control training and passed the special qualifying examination. They are now certified as MQC specialists with the United States Postal Service.

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