Comings and Goings

christine-stacey-for-web.jpgChristine Stacey joined the undergraduate admissions office as a counselor last week. She arrives from Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., where she was a lead teacher at the institution’s La Vida Center for Outdoor Education from 2006 to 2007 and an interim office manager during the summer of 2007. She also worked as a facility director for a gymnastics academy in 2006-07. Christine earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Eastern University in St. Davids, Pa., in 2005. She lives in Portland with her family and is engaged to a George Fox alumnus, Richard McNeal (’06).

Vickie McBride’s (Plant Services) final day at the university will be Thursday, March 20. She is leaving to get married and will be traveling with her new husband.

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