Forum offers instruction on library databases Feb. 28

A Faculty Teaching Forum on library databases is scheduled from noon to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, in the Executive Dining Room. Janis Tyhurst and Jane Scott (Library) will present information about Choice Reviews Online, CQ Researcher, and Facts on File World News Digest.

Tired of getting, reviewing, and keeping track of those little white review cards? Want to find out what is being published in your field without looking through those cards? Choice Reviews Online can focus your searches and help you lose those little white review cards.

Frustrated with the rhetoric of sound-bite news? Want to find out the rest of the story? CQ researcher is a useful tool for getting objective in-depth information on political and social issues.

Need to know what happened on this day in history – 50 years ago – or want to read the text from a historical document like the Mayflower Compact? Use Facts on File World News Digest.

To reserve a lunch, e-mail Jere Witherspoon (Student Life) by 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 26. Everyone is welcome to attend the session, whether bringing a lunch or reserving a lunch.

All faculty — full time, part-time, and adjunct — are invited to attend Faculty Teaching Forums (FTFs). Video podcasts of FTFs will be available at the “Events and Resources” link on the Center for Teaching and Learning website.

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