‘Black Boy’ presented on Wood-Mar stage Feb. 8-9

Mulitcultural Services and the university’s theatre department invite the George Fox community to the production Black Boy, a one-person play featuring Broadway actor Charles Holt, on Feb. 8-9. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. both nights in Wood-Mar Auditorium.

Synopsis: Holt plays Richard Wright and a host of additional characters in Wynn Handman’s adaption of Wright’s influential 1945 autobiography Black Boy.

What was life like in the Jim Crow South of the United States as an African American boy in 1908? What were the hardships one had to overcome? In what way was a person buoyed by hope, pride, and dignity? Those questions and others are addressed in the production.

The play is being presented in recognition of Black History Month. Holt has been performing Black Boy for the last seven years throughout the United States. To find out more on Holt and the play, go to charlesholtproductions.com.

Tickets are $10 for general admission, $8 for seniors and alumni, and $6 for students and children under 12. Tickets may be purchased at the box office by calling 503-554-3844 or online at theatre.georgefox.edu.

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