Faculty invited to apply for visit to Wuhan University

Each year we extend an opportunity for one of our faculty members, undergraduate or graduate, to go to Wuhan University in China as a visiting lecturer. This typically happens in May or June for three to four weeks. The details:

  • Wuhan provides an apartment and a small food allowance.
  • Restaurants are inexpensive, and there is a kitchen in the apartment. Invitations to share meals are frequently extended by other faculty members.
  • The faculty member is responsible for his or her own travel cost to Wuhan. This might be about $1,200.
  • The faculty member will be asked to teach about 15 hours a week in his or her subject field, with other requests and expectations sometimes added to that.
  • Wuhan sometimes provides an excursion to points of interest in the region, such as the Three Gorges Dam.
  • There is space in the apartment for a spouse to go along. If this person is a professor, he or she may be asked to teach as well, but this is not mandatory.
  • Wuhan is a large, interesting city and is quite hot at that time of year.

Interested? Contact Lon Fendall (Center for Global Studies/Center for Peace and Justice) via e-mail or at ext. 2685.

You also may want to talk with others who have been visiting faculty members before. Marley Brown (Management) was the 2007 visitor.

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