Faculty, staff welcome to session with provost candidate Dec. 6

All faculty and staff are invited to a “general talk” session with visiting provost candidate Ginger MacDonald from 3:40 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, in EHS 102. She will be presenting on one of two topics: “How she sees herself changing the university” or “Thoughts on the future of higher education,” with time for questions and answers. Please mark your calendars.

The provost survey will be distributed directly after her talk, and, due to the fact the Provost Search Committee will be meeting at 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7, the deadline to complete the survey will be 2 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7.

For those of you unable to attend, the sessions will be recorded and posted online at the following link: http://media.georgefox.edu/cgi-bin/itunesustaff.pl.

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