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Sarita Gallagher (Christian studies) made three presentations and published two chapters over the summer. In August, she presented an academic paper (“God among the Philistines: Revelation and Transformation in 1 Samuel 4-7”) at the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS) conference in Seoul, South Korea. IAMS, an international ecumenical conference focused on the fields of missiology and world Christianity, gathers Christian scholars and mission practitioners from around the world every four years.

Previously, Sarita presented the paper “From Mourning to Dancing: The Missiological Implications of the Barrenness Motif in 1 Samuel 1-2” at the Wesleyan Center at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego in July, and she presented “Teaching Christian Mission in an Age of Global Christianity” at the Association for Professors of Mission event in Minneapolis in June. She also published the chapter “Seeing with Church Growth Eyes: The Rise of Indigenous Church Movements in Mission Praxis” in The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness (IVP Academic, 2016) and the chapter “Worship among the Binandere of Papua New Guinea” in Scripting Pentecost: A Study of Pentecostals, Worship, and Liturgy (Routledge, 2016).

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