W-2 Forms now paperless: Have you consented?

W-2 Forms are now paperless: Have you consented?

2014 year-end W-2 Forms will be issued by Friday, Jan. 30, online in “Self Service” for all employees, including student employees. If you would like to receive this form online, the law requires that you give your consent. Those who do not give consent will still receive a paper W-2. If you consented in the past, you do NOT need to do so again.

You can verify your consent status or give consent for the first time by following the steps below. It only takes about 30 seconds, so I encourage you to take care of it as soon as possible — perhaps right now? Here’s how:

  1. Log in to mygfu.georgefox.edu
  2. From the menu at left, select “Self Service”
  3. Select “Payroll and Compensation”
  4. Select “W-2/W-2c Consent”
  5. Check your current status. Does it say “Consent Received?” If so, thank you! You’re done. If it does not say “Consent Received” …
  6. Read the statement and check the box to give consent
  7. Enter your GFU password as a confirmation of your identity and click “Continue”
  8. Click “OK”

You’ll receive a confirmation email of your decision shortly after completing this process. And just to be clear, you will only have to do this once — not every year.

Thanks very much. Let me know if you have any questions.

Katie Sol
Human Resources

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