Finance Facts: Special Operations and Restricted Fund Reporting

Special operations and restricted fund reporting is now available in PeopleSoft. Under the MyGFU report menu, select “Restricted Fund Summary.” This summary report will give you balance forward information as well as any 14/15 activity.

This can be used for all Special Operations, Restricted Gifts and Agency Funds. Remember, you may now have two funds – one special operations fund (unrestricted, which will begin with a 1XXXX) and a restricted fund (which will begin with a 3XXXX). You can use the wild card (%) for the department/cost center field and the program code.

Previous-year data is also available in this report by using your old cost center number and the 2014 fiscal year.

Please call Debbie Cash at ext. 2171 or Cris Banton at ext. 2167 if you have any questions about running the reports.

The finance team

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