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Randy Woodley (Seminary) visited Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., March 12-13, speaking on the concept of “shalom” and discussing his decades-long ministry among Native Americans. Randy was a guest of the university for its Augsburger Lecture Series.

Phil Smith (Philosophy and Christian Studies) will participate in a debate and group discussion at Portland State University on April 9. Titled “Does Anything Supernatural Exist?,” the event will tackle the question of which worldview is superior: supernatural or natural. Phil will argue a supernatural worldview, while Bernie Dehler, president of The Center for Philosophical Naturalism, will argue a naturalistic view. Details on the event are available here.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “sf” was published in the Spring 2014 issue of The Common Oddities, a science-fiction fantasy e-zine.

Paul Anderson (Christian Studies) published a review of the film Noah, “Will Noah Sink or Swim? The Buoyancy of the Latest Bible Film,” in the religion blog section of The Huffington Post on March 28.

Ethan Burke (IT) and Tyler Robertson (IT) were named March Employees of the Month.

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