We are pleased to announce that the Library now offers more content on Theology and Religion Online!
In addition to the Online Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, the George Fox community can now access the full set of the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries and the Eerdmans Digital Reference Library (a collection of 43 core reference titles in Theology and Biblical Studies).
Use the single search available on the landing page to search across all three collections for a topic or browse to a specific title or group of titles to search just within those.
What is the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary?

The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (AYBD) is one of the gold standard reference works for Biblical studies. With more than 6,000 entries and nearly 1,000 contributors, it offers an interdisciplinary interfaith exploration of the Bible in terms that are easy to understand, and refers readers to deeper scholarship in the field.
Researchers may be familiar with the beloved red-bound six-volume dictionary of the Bible that can still be found in the library print collections (on the second floor of Murdock Library and in the Seminary Reference collection at the Portland Center Library).
What are the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries?

Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries span over 89 volumes and is one of the most trusted and
long-running scholarly commentaries series for Biblical Studies scholars. This prestigious commentary series includes a book-by-book translation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha and draws from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world.
These commentaries can also be found by searching Primo, alongside our other print and online commentaries. (Learn more about commentaries at George Fox Library).
What is included in the Eerdmans Digital Reference Library?

Eerdmans Digital Reference Library is a collection of 43 core reference volumes necessary for every student and scholar of theology, biblical and religious studies. This collection offers a fantastic base to jumpstart an academic career as well as deepen scholars’ current knowledge. Featuring award-winning encyclopedias, theological dictionaries of the Bible, and more, this resource is an essential comparison to enrich understanding of the Bible and subsequent scholarship and traditions.
This module includes the Encyclopedia of Christianity (librarian Kate Wimer’s favorite reference tool), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Christian Art and Archaeology, and many more.
Questions? Contact librarian Kate Wimer, or Ask Us!