Murdock Library and Academic Resource Center host first-ever Mysteries of Murdock Event

On Friday, September 13th, freshmen and transfer students gathered in the Murdock Library for an evening of mystery. The Pacific Northwest themed event, designed to unpack common myths believed about the library and Academic Resource Center, introduced students to the people, spaces, and services in Murdock Library. They also had the chance to search for the evening’s illusive host…Bigfoot.

The evening included a group quest, Bigfoot sightings, a trail mix bar, spooky music, a fireside story, and–everyone’s favorite–raffle prizes.

Students connected with faculty and staff from the Academic Resource Center, Disability Services Office, and Murdock Library while completing engaging activities at each station on their group quest. Activities included investigating origin stories through research, writing positive notes to fellow students, arranging library furniture for various study scenarios, finding fun DVDs in the collection, writing their own Bigfoot story, and more!

The evening wrapped up with Julia James, ARC Coordinator, sharing a spooky Bigfoot story by the fireplace, talking about the power of myths, and the reminding students about the importance of remaining curious and investigating things they hear.

Raffle prizes were drawn to conclude the event, with 2 students winning college survival kits (backpack, water bottle, and umbrella). Other prizes included a hammock, frisbee, bluetooth speaker, and other college essentials.

120 students attended this brand new event! Here are some photos of the fun!

Positive Thoughts Station

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Bigfoot joins the fun by adding a note to the wall of positivity.

For more information on library events, check out our calendar!